Cristina Spataro, LMHC
Cristina Spataro has worked with children and families in crisis for the past 17 years. If there is one thing she has learned, it is that everyone has the capacity for change if they truly want it. Life is hard, and the “right” choices are not always so apparent. Our decisions and their consequences leave us questioning ourselves.
While she has specialized in lending assistance when things get really bad, she would love to see her clients and patients get the help they need beforehand. If you are reading this and struggling with relationships, career decisions, or even mental anguish and illness, allow Cristina to help you.
She can help life make sense again! She offers Individual, Group, family, and couples counseling. If you have a child with special needs or health issues, Cristina is experienced in helping them “learn how to learn” through play therapy and simple interaction. If this sounds like a fit for you, please reach out.